Eric Wesley's Funny Money, ArtReview
"Death of a Star," Artillery
Brad Kronz at Gaylord Apartments, Artillery
Naoki Sutter-Shudo at Reena Spaulings, e-flux
Catherine Opie at Regen Projects, Artillery
Rita McBride at the Hammer Museum, Flash Art
Hanna Hur at Kristina Kite, Artillery
Dean Sameshima and Mark Verabioff at O-Town House, Flash Art
Kate Spencer-Stewart and Chadwick Rantanen at Hakuna Matata, Frieze
Brad Phillips at de boer, Frieze
Nancy Lupo at Kristina Kite, Frieze
Ei Arakawa "Don't Give Up," Galerie Max Meyer
Nikita Gale at LAXART, X-TRA
Erin Calla Watson at Larder, theGuide.Art
Bedros Yeretzian at Commercial Street, X-TRA
Mark McKnight at Park View/Paul Soto, Frieze
Alvin Baltrop at Hannah Hoffman, Frieze
Nour Mobarak at Hakuna Matata, Artforum
Cody Critcheloe at the Gallery @, CARLA
When James Benning Goes to Joshua Tree, Frieze
Writing on the Bus: A Review of Catherine Opie's Rhetorical Landscapes, Graphite Journal
The Coded Languages of Larry Johnson and Asha Schechter, Frieze
Digital Dinosaurs: Tishan Hsu’s Liquid Circuit, Spike Art Quarterly
Something in the Water: “Avengers” at Reena Spaulings, Spike Art Quarterly
John Boskovich Steers His Own Recovery, Momus
Curse of the Contemporary: Natasha Stagg's Sleeveless, Los Angeles Review of Books Blog